Low Pedal On My 1968 mustang
by Paul
(BC, Canada )
Low Pedal Brakes:
What is the cause of my low brakes, I bled all the lines , replaced the Master Cylinder,and the brakes go atleast 3/4 of the way down before I stop.
My mechanic says that's normal for these old cars.
I find it hard to believe that's the way they are. This car was converted from drum to disc, so I'm just assuming a incorrect part installed or something.
Thanks Paul
Answer:Hey Paul!
My first question for you, is whether the new 1968 Mustang master cylinder is incorrect. There are different ones for different applications.
For instance, the master cylinder for drum brakes is different than for disc brakes. There's also a different master cylinder for power brake cars. So if you don't have the right one, you can have issues with things like stroke length, bore diameter and more.
Also, check things like the proportioning valve and if all of it checks out to be the right parts, the usual most common issues are going to be either not all air has been bled from the system (re-bleed the system, starting from the longest brake line and move forward).
Other issues to check, that can cause low pedal on your 1968 Mustang are if your rotors are not new, include making sure that they are not less than the minimum thickness.
If they are, they may still stop your Mustang, but the pedal travel will move down, every fraction of a millimeter that the disc wears.
Do the same for the rear drums, also making sure that the issue isn't as simple as the rear shoes are not adjusted properly. Same thing goes with the drum diameter if they are not new drums.
Hope that helps!
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