2012 Mustang Performance Package Contest

Are you a Mustang Facebook enthusiast ? Name the 2012 Mustang Performance package Contest and Win Big!

How Big? Well... along with the bragging rights to creating the name, how about a free 2 year lease on a new 2012 Ford Mustang?

2012 Mustang Performance package Contest

With the (Insert Your Term Here ) Performance Package, naturally!

Ready? OK. Here's how to get in on the Mustang Performance package Naming Contest:

If you're not already one of the 940,000 Ford Mustang Facebook fans,that's the place to start.

You suggest a name for the 2012 Mustang V6 performance package and it goes on a gallery on the Mustang Facebook page where voters can see and vote on all of the possible choices.

After the contest closes in mid December, the folks at Ford will take the five most popular suggestions and decide on a winner.

A Winning Tip !

Here's a tip. Reach out to all of your Facebook friends to help vote your name to the top!

When You Win

And when you win, tell me. Then tell all your Facebook friends you found out about it here, at onlymustangfords.com

Why? Because I'll be devoting a special page about you, and telling the rest of the world about YOUR new name for the 2012 Mustang performance package!

Good Luck!

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