2001 Mustang
Leaking Convertible Top

by Vince Czajkowski

2001 Mustang Convertible Seal Leaks

2001 Mustang Convertible Seal Leaks


I have a convertible top leaking on a 2001 Mustang. Is it a common problem?


Yes. A leaking top is quite common on the 2001 Ford Mustang convertible.

You didn't say where your top was leaking, so this will be a general reply. The 2001 convertibles have had issues in several areas.

Unless you're sure where the water is entering the interior of your Mustang, put the top up and use a garden hose with sprayer attachment that will give you a decent stream, but not really high pressure.

Have someone do the spraying, while you sit in the car and look for leaks.

The most typical leaking areas are caused by a poor seal in the old weatherstripping at the windshield seal, window seal areas and around the rear window.

The front seal is held in by a couple of push-in fasteners and friction along the A pillars.

Check window to top seals and around the rear quarter windows.

There is one other possibility, if it looks like the seals on the Mustang's top are OK. And this is common to other convertibles.

Look for the areas of the soft top, where it folds. This is where the material/canvas, after repeated opening and closing starts to wear and after some sun and age, will start to dry out and leave small holes.

Sometimes it's more obvious. Look at the bottom areas of both sides of the back window, both inside and out. Feel under the flaps on the inside and you may find a frayed area or hole.

The solution, is to sneak a patch into these areas, using waterproof material and glue, or see what your local convertible top specialist can suggest for patching the convertible top of your 2001 Mustang.

Note: The same examples apply to all Ford Mustang convertibles from 1999 to 2004. The 2005 and newer convertible tops are very similar too, so I'd expect the same kinds of leaks to appear as time goes on.

Good Luck!

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Leaking Convertible Top

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Mar 05, 2015
Process of Elimination
by: Bruce

When you say you had it fixed, do you mean the crack or hole was repaired, or did you replace the top?

Unfortunately it's going to take some detective work to figure this one out.

My suggestion, would be to remove the rear seat, get in with a flash light and have a friend spray water from the hose and see if you can force the leak to appear. Or if you already see sitting water, you may be able to check from below and see if there is more than one hole, or that the repair has maybe pulled apart from the top opening and closing.

Dec 17, 2014
leakage in mustang
by: Anonymous

I have a 2002 ford mustang convertible. every time it rains the space below the back window
fills up with water and the mat on the driver
side and behind to the passenger side are wet.
Had it fixed but still happens. What next.

Feb 04, 2011
2004 Mustang Leaking Front Convertible Top
by: big tow

I replaced the front seal on a 2004 Mustang convertible. It's still leaking on the left side at the lower dash area?

Cant decide why. Any ideas? Customer getting impatient.

I'm assuming you are talking about the front header weatherstrip being replaced when you are saying you replaced the seal, so here's a couple of other things to check:

- leaking windshield seal ( an incorrectly replaced or sealed windshield can cause water to leak inside the "A" pillar channel and enter the dash area.
- clogged heater/air conditioning vents, drainage passages and cowl drain vents( leaves, pine needles etc. can clog the drains and cause an accumulation of water which could flow into the passenger area through the vents, grommets or other openings.
- A/C evaporator drain plugged, usually shows up on the passenger side as a leak, but you never know....

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