1993 Mustang Lx Interior Interior Upgrade


how to convert a 93 lx interior to a 2004 cobra interior or mach 1 interior? Do I mainly change just the 2 front seats and the rear seats?????


There are quite a few differences between a 1993 Mustang Lx interior and a 2004 Mustang Cobra.

If you want a fairly authentic swap, you are going to need to start with the newer curvier style dash, that appeared in the post 1995 cars.

The gauges are very different, round, white faced gauges, and the whole package flows into matching door panels.

The simplest way to make your 93 pony car look like a 2004, would be to find a good used '04 interior and swap it into your Mustang LX.

Good Luck with your 1993 Mustang LX interior swap!

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